Sunday, June 7, 2015

Day 5 & 6

Our last two days in Guatemala were extremely busy but also amazingly awesome.  We were able to pack more food bags on Thursday to be handed out on Friday.

We also spent most of the day Thursday putting on a VBS for two villages within Hope of Life.

Thursday night was our  "Fiesta Night."  Hope of Life always has a night where the orphans come and perform for the teams.  It is so absolutely adorable to watch these babies perform their hearts out to these songs that praise our Lord.  They always leave me with tears in my eyes.  It is a memorable and special night for everyone.

While we were at dinner, Wendy, our coordinator, came and told Troy that there would be a baby rescue the next morning and they would need him and 3 members from our team to go.  This was a very unexpected surprise.  This ministry is very passionate about their baby rescue program and it's highly unlikely anyone from your team will get a chance to participate only because so few can go at one time and there are so many people there.  It was overwhelming how God provided our group with this chance again.  There are teams that never have this option and this is our 2nd time to be able to do this.  Knowing all of this puts the leader in a very hard place.  How do you choose out of 40 people only 3???

When we received this news we immediately found a quite spot to seek the Lord's decision.  This has always been in His plan and we just asked that he take it out of our hands and please choose those that he wanted to go!   It was a very emotional night for everyone, but it was one of the sweetest moments to see the sacrifices for others that were made that night.  Of course everyone wanted to go, but little by little the group got smaller and smaller as to those who would be chosen.  This was by everyone's own decision.  There were those who wanted to go badly, but knew in their hearts it wasn't meant for them at this time.  They graciously stepped aside, then I watched as 20 year old girls that ached to be a part of this, give up their spot for their friend to have a better chance at her dream.  I was blown away at the sacrifice and love shown by these girls.  Ultimately, I watched a daddy give up his spot to see his daughter fulfill her dream, but better yet I watched a God, bigger than we could ever imagine, in return bless him and this team by creating another spot that allowed him to still go. God is so good and the chance to travel into villages, high in the mountains, and help those in need was so fulfilling.  I didn't want to leave.  I wanted to just keep going and save more and more.  I wanted to fill the ambulance and our truck to the max with all that we could carry.  It breaks my heart to know there are more out there, but on this special day we came back with 3.  It wasn't even the children we were sent to get.  Once we got to Poza Verde, Sansare, our translator, Mari Carmen, told us that it was a very hard village to go into because Hope of Life had never been there before.  The people were unsure and fearful of whether or not we could be trusted.  I can't begin to imagine how they feel having someone come into their home and beg to take children, even if it is for their own well being.  The mother, father, or sometimes both are encouraged to come with their children, but so often there is only a mother and she has so many other children that she is unable to go with her child.  It is heartbreaking.  On our particular rescue, both mothers were able to come with us because there were others left to help with the other children.  I am thankful these two mothers came with their children, not only because the children were in desperate need, but it also opens up a door of trust in yet another village that will be willing to let Hope of Life save more children there.   

Our first baby rescued was named Robin.  He was 9 years old and weighed 21 pounds.  He was a twin and his brother was at school when we came.  Robin also had two other brothers at home that we met.

 After about 15 minutes of conversation with Robin's mother and grandmother, they agreed Robin and his mother should go with us.  I can't help but wonder what his brother thought when he returned home from school.  I pray that Robin quickly returns to good health and his mother, Glenda, can be educated on how to best care for him to ensure this doesn't happen again.

Brooke and I got to feed Robin his first of many more meals to come at Hope of Life.  The size of this child broke my heart.  

Once this family returns to their village, Hope of Life doesn't just leave them to their old routine, they provide regular checkups for the children to monitor their health and growth.  I'm so grateful this door was opened for this new village to see the hand of God work in the lives of the children we rescued.  A hand of compassion that was extended to help bring a sweet child back to health, a hand of provision that perhaps this family had never experienced before, and no doubt a hand of love shown on behalf of Jesus for the child he created and loves dearly.  I pray this will spread through the village by the power of the Holy Spirit and souls will come to know a loving Saviour by these acts of kindness shown to these two families on this day.  

The next two babies rescued were 3 year old Natael and his brother Gelvin, age 7.

This is where we found the children
on the side of the mountain.  The translator is explaining to the father
how we want to help. Natael is in the
background being held by his mother.

Their mom also came along with them after a long conversation with her husband, he agreed for them to go.

Gelvin & Natael getting their first meal

Gelvin being admitted to hospital
Help has arrived sweet babies 

Natael being admitted to hospital

 Natael, was referred to throughout their village as the "crystal bones" baby.  The doctor told me he has a bone defect that caused him to have very brittle bones.  You can see the disfigurement from this condition in the pictures as well as the malnourishment of the child.  His brother, Gelvin was malnourished as well and both are being held at Saint Lukes hospital on the Hope of Life campus with their mother.  Please pray for this family as they are being cared for and for the ones they left behind.  

While we were on the baby rescue, the others in our group went to the village outside of the dump to hand out food bags, bibles, and pass out the many dresses that were so carefully sewn by many locals here in Wiggins.  What a precious sight to see...being able to dress each child, fix their hair, paint their fingernails and make them feel adored and special.  It took a group effort to make this happen and we are so grateful for those that spent so much of their time preparing these clothes.  There were many from the Presbyterian Church, which I have told you about on a previous blog, and there were many from Sunflower Church that also made many dresses.  What a HUGE blessing these people have been for their contribution to this mission.  I pray each one is blessed in a unique way by God for their willingness to be a part of His work in another part of the world.

Stacy, Morgan, & Kaitlin praying for this woman

This sweet thing was enjoying her new makeover
and blankie!  God bless her!!!!

Precious angels

Dianna with her two princesses
Robin and Anna Grace with a sweet family that 
received new clothes and a bible

It is so special to be able to give 
a copy of God's Word to these 
people.  A special thanks to Sam &
Lana Albritton for the Bible donations

A proud recipient of God's Word

Of course at the end of the day came all of the hard goodbyes from friendships formed throughout the week and bonds made with such special children.  Even though we had to leave I can promise our hearts are still there as we settle back in at home.  I can't describe the connection and love I have for these people.  I think about them all the time.  I wonder how they are doing and I wish I could help more.  I don't know what God has in store next but I know we are not finished working in Guatemala.  My prayer is that God will make our next step very clear, and as he has on our last three trips, he will miraculously provide the means.  

Our ultimate translator, photographer, guide and 

Miles can't take away these moments...

How lucky I am to have something
that makes saying goodbye so hard...

I'll love you forever Oscar...

One last song for sweet Christopher...

I'll never let go of this love...

Goodbyes are not forever...

I'll miss you until we meet again...

You will always be in our hearts...

Our story is not finished....

Letting go doesn't mean loving less...

I started missing you as soon as we said


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day 4

It never ceases to amaze me at how God orchestrates everything around us.  Nothing has gone as expected but we are continually blessed at the people he has placed before us each moment.  We may think we are doing one thing and the next minute it changes, but to God it has always been in the plan.  Being at a certain place, at a certain time, we have seen God work in many ways within our group and within this ministry.  There is no doubt we are all being stretched and grown in many ways.  All a part of God's plan! 

This morning began with everyone going in different directions!  It's hard to even cover all that has happened, but I can promise you it has been amazing!  We had men that went to clean a mango lot to allow bus parking at the Hope of Life site.  This was a last minute change, but a need that was here and we had a few hours before our bus left for the day.  So, our men jumped in to lend a hand!

Adam Pickering, Derrick Gates, & Donnie Loper
Guy Evans
A lot of our women and girls headed to the hospital to help bath the rescue babies.  This was such a treat to be able to scoop those babies up, clean them up, wash their hair, and give lots of kisses to their sweet little faces!
Alex...can you get any sweeter than this thing???

Kalie has fallen in love forever!  Please
pray for the day we leave because this
one is going to have a hard time

Stacy Miller bathing Dulce Maria

Olivia Miller dressing Dulce Maria

Dianna & Christopher

One year ago we met little Hermino at the hospital.  He has no mother and is at Hope of Life because he needed a hip surgery.  We fell in love with this little man and his shining personality, especially River!  We were blessed to meet up with him again in December and see how he had grown.  He was able to have his hip surgery in February and is now recovering from the procedure.  He had a cast that went to his waist and had traveled 3 1/2 hours into the city to have it replaced with a smaller cast.  So, when we arrived we weren't able to see him.  Finally, he arrived late yesterday so we were able to see him first thing this morning.  He is such a precious little boy and my heart melted when I saw him again!  I brought pictures of our previous trip where we had played with him and he really enjoyed looking at the photos.  Please continue to pray for a quick recovery for this little guy.  Also pray that he will have an easy time with his physical therapy that is ahead.  

Herminio...God bless his little bones! 
Herminio loved looking at his pictures
There were several people that made rounds at the elderly home.  These people absolutely love to just have you sit with them and spend time with them.  Even though Ipolito is blind, he knew he had company doting on him!  Morgan and Robin were talking with Chento, even though they don't speak Spanish, they were happy to let him just talk and talk!  Audrey, Selena, and myself met with Gladys, who is 70 years old.  She was sick and said she was ready to go.  She has been praying since she was 50 years old for the Lord to just take her home.  Her body has had fever for 3 days and she has problems with glaucoma in her eye.  Tomorrow she will be heading to Guatemala city to see a doctor.  She was in so much pain and was worried about traveling so far.  We prayed with her and told her that the Lord had not answered her prayer yet because he still wants to use her.  He definitely used her to bless our hearts today.
Kayla, Cissie & Allison with Ipolito

Robin & Morgan talking with Chento

Myself and Audrey with Gladys (Selena not pictured)
Kara, Maureen, Catie & Brooke went to Kelly's house (the special needs home) and helped bath all the children.  They did such a good job and no doubt were used in a big way there today. This was an experience that these girls will never forget.  Kara got a few surprises she wasn't quite prepared for, but I must say she "hand"led it like a trooper.

Kara & Maureen bathing Mario

Brooke and Katie bathing Mirza

Getting those teeth all clean! Good job girls

After our morning around Hope of Life, we went to the city dump to set up a feeding center.  You can never get adjusted to seeing this sight.  No matter how many times you go, it never gets any easier to see the poverty of these people.  When you see the same people time and time again reality really sets in that this is a way of life for these people.  A cycle that never ends.  Hope of life feeds at the dump 3 times a week.  I can see where this would become expected and it's not as life giving eternally as Jesus himself is.  I pray these people would not just be content with filling their stomach as much as filling their soul.  Food is needed so badly here.  People are hungry and starving, but I want to see their souls be fed.  John 10:10 says,  "the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."  This is my hearts see these people have abundant, full life through Jesus Christ.
Michelle - June 2014 at the dump

Michelle - December 2014 at the dump

Michelle today at the dump

Two little girls searching for anything to recycle
Olivia & Cortlan pouring drinks  
The line at the feeding site
Sada & Dulca with Selena in December 2014
at the dump
Sada & Dulce with Selena today at the dump

No words....

Love truly has no end...

When we got back from the dump we had only a few hours until our pizza party/movie night at the orphanage.  The kids always love this.  To be served pizza and a movie is such a treat that they don't receive very often.  For us, we can run pick up a pizza and rent a movie on any random night we choose.  There are so many things we take for granted.  Each day truly is a gift from God.  Here are a few pics of how we ended our day.